Monday, January 31, 2011

Resolve to Keep Your Resolution!

Remember back in January when we challenged you to make one resolution this year?  And of course, that resolution was to throw Fabulous parties…but it was with a twist!  We challenged you to resolve to throw Fabulous non-traditional parties and to get you started, we provided you with some Fabulous non-traditional ideas for January.  To help you keep your resolution, we will continue to provide you with monthly ideas for your bashes…so what Fabulous non-traditional fun can you get into for February?
February is a popular month for hearts and romance.  It is after all:
  • American Heart Month
  • An Affair to Remember Month
  • Creative Romance Month
  • National Weddings Month; and,
  • The 3rd week is International Flirting Week
But fear not, single hostesses, there is plenty of non-traditional Fabulous fun for you to have this month as well!
Feb. 1 National Freedom Day: why not celebrate that you are single, ready to mingle, and free from relationship drama?
Feb. 2Ground Hog Day: Pull out that polo shirt and checkered pants and have a Caddy Shack Party – who knows, you may land yourself a caddy…score!
Feb. 3The Day the Music Died: Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash in 1959…sad, yes, but turn this day around and have a sock hop!  This screams 50’s party – think Greece!
Feb. 4 Thank a Mailman Day: why not surprise your mailman with a special thank you and then throw a cocktail party for your friends where you surprise them with notes telling them how special they are to you?
Feb. 5National Weatherman’s Day: the only job where you can be wrong consistently and still get paid!
Feb. 6Lame Duck Day: host a party where everyone brings a rubber ducky and have races….first, and of course last, place wins!
Feb. 7 - send your friends an invitation to get together for dinner and celebrate each other
Feb. 8Kite Flying Day: in the middle of winter!?!  Why not?
Feb. 9Toothache Day: ummm…candy party anyone?
Feb. 10Umbrella Day: why not have a Hawaiian cocktail party complete with umbrella drinks…now that’s a reason to sing in the rain!
Feb. 11White T-shirt day: Attire for dinner is casual! T-shirts ladies!
Feb. 12Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday: honestly, is there any other day that is better suited for a hat party in February?
Feb. 13Get a Different Name Day: Host a dinner party for your friends and when they arrive, give them a new name for a character that they have to pretend to be for the night.
Feb. 14Valentines Day: Hearts, Hearts, and more Hearts…oh alcohol always helps too
Feb. 15Single Awareness Day: have a SAD party! Host a black cocktail dress party
Feb. 16Do a Grouch a Favor Day: host a Oscar the grouch dinner. Everything must be green and get creative by serving your food on trash lids for platters
Feb. 17 Random Acts of Kindness Day: gather a group of friends together and go do something to help others - write cards to soldiers, volunteer at an animal shelter, or go to Starbucks and buy a coffee for the stranger in line behind you!  You will have fun and change the world for the better, all at the same time!
Feb. 18National Battery Day: throw a birthday party to celebrate the birth of the battery.  Absolutely crazy, yes…but imagine the look on the face of the baker when you ask her to write “Happy Birthday Batteries” on the cake…you and your friends will laugh about that over cocktails for sure!
Feb. 19National Chocolate Mint Day: sounds like an ice cream party or a great cocktail
Feb. 20Hoodie Hoo Day: Who knows what this means, but is sure is fun to say!  Host a party to chase away winter and bring in spring.  Have everyone dress is spring attire – no hoodies allowed!
Feb. 21 - Cheesy Card Party: Cheese, wine, and have your friends bring the cheesiest card they can find to share.
Feb. 22International World Thinking Day: Okay you Girl Scouts…remember thinking day? Learn about a different country and host a party that celebrates that country’s food, cocktails, and fun.
Feb. 23Tennis Day: can you say Wii tennis party??
Feb. 24National Tortilla Chip Day: Sounds like a great excuse for a fiesta!
Feb. 25Pistol Patent Day: show off your rubber band gun pride. Have your guest create a crazy rubber band gun and see whose shoots the farthest.
Feb. 26Carnival Day: everyone loves the big top! Create a carnival event with games and have everyone come dressed like their favorite carnie character.
Feb. 27Polar Bear Day: Okay you could go jump into the icy water somewhere (although that may be fun) but why would you want to do that????  How about having a white party where everything, even the food, is white.
Feb. 28Floral Design Day:  Who doesn’t like flowers?  With spring around the corner go out and gather some flowers for an arrangement (or if you have time make paper ones) and have a tea and coffee party with the girls.

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